We get it, they don’t… 

– Saving your business from outdated phone & answering services

– Trusted by those with large call volume, pricing for even the smallest locations

– Combined phone and answering services available on one bill

What is Gentle Voice?

We are a voice services platform built by industry experts for industry experts. In short, we are able to tailor our offerings for specific verticals, ensuring you have the exact products you need. 

Gentle Voice’s ground-breaking launch of our new Answering Service means your clients are able to interact with you in ways you never thought possible!

Want to make sure you never miss a call? Tired of waiting for a phone “repairman” to fix your phone issues? Would you like better call quality, better reliability, optional call recording, or fax to email features? We’ve got you covered!

I heard recently that the average person scrolls the height of Big Ben in a day. Whilst waiting for a delayed train in Bath I spotted this line of hands on phones – all endlessly scrolling.

We heard your Voice

We built Gentle Voice to eliminate the hassle of changing phone systems, yet provide you with greater reliability and better performance, all without the flashy gimmicks and “features” that you’ll never use.

Gentle Voice is truly built by industry experts, for industry experts. 

Whether you’re in sales, service, transport or a contact center, we have the right solution for you.

How much downtime is there when switching to Gentle Voice?

None. Really.

We today’s businesses demand all calls are routed properly with timely responses. Even one missed call could cost thousands of dollars and frustrate your clients. 

Therefore, we always do our best to ensure your incoming calls are never disrupted. It’s simple and straightforward, and best of all, we handle everything for you! 

Alarm clock friends situation with hand

Contract free options

We understand the fear of long-term contracts, locking you into a 3, 4, or even 5 year commitment.

We offer month-to-month services, because you shouldn’t have to stick with us if you aren’t happy.

Our service and support is our pride and joy, and we’re comfortable with letting you choose to use us now and in the future!

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